Using console vim as vim:// protocol handler in Ubuntu
Do you want your browser to launch console vim and open specified file on specified line when you click link like this: vim:///etc/hosts&line=10
? This article will show how to register console vim as vim://
protocol handler in Ubuntu 11.10. Just follow these steps:
1. Create vim launcher script
We’ll need small vim launcher script, which will handle vim://...
uri. As a ruby programmer I wrote this script in Ruby (so it requires Ruby to be installed), but it can be rewritten to Perl/Python or even Bash. What it does, it just retrieves file name and line
parameter from URI string and launches gnome-terminal
with vim
inside, passing file name and line to open. Create /usr/local/bin/cvim
file with content:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
full_path = ARGV[0]
if full_path
uri = URI::parse(full_path)
vim_params = %Q["#{uri.path}"]
if uri.query
params = CGI::parse(uri.query)
line = params["line"][0]
vim_params << " +#{line}" if line
`gnome-terminal -x vim #{vim_params}`
Next, give it execute permissions:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cvim
2. Create .desktop file for our new launcher
Now we will create .desktop launcher for our vim launcher, and tell Ubuntu to use this lauchner as vim://
protocol handler. Create ‘/usr/share/applications/cvim.desktop’ file with content:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Vim (Console)
Comment=Edit text files in a console using Vim
Exec=/usr/local/bin/cvim %U
3. Refresh mime types database
In the file above, line MimeType=text/plain;x-scheme-handler/vim;
registers vim://
scheme handler, but to make it work we should update mime types database cache. Execute command:
sudo update-desktop-database
4. Test from terminal
Now everything should work. To test that it works from terminal, launch this command:
xdg-open 'vim:///etc/hosts?line=2'
And it should launch gnome-terminal with vim inside and open file /etc/hosts
on line #2. If it works, your browser will do the same when you open link like this.
UPDATE: if you want files to be opened in one vim instance (in the new tab), make /usr/local/bin/cvim
file look like this:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
full_path = ARGV[0]
if full_path
uri = URI::parse(full_path)
vim_params = "--remote-tab-silent"
if uri.query
params = CGI::parse(uri.query)
line = params["line"][0]
vim_params << " +#{line}" if line
vim_params << %Q[ "#{uri.path}"]
`gnome-terminal -x vim --servername VIM #{vim_params}`